Tag: gold jewelry
4 Best Tips on How to Handle Your Silver and Gold Jewelry the Right Way
Your jewelry is among the most valuable items in your life as you tend to spend more money on acquiring them. This calls for keeping them safe to remain in perfect condition for a long period.
The beauty of African Brazil in Elza Pimenta’s jewels from recycled gold
Elza Pimenta is a jewelry designer and has just presented a wonderful collection for Spring/Summer 2021, inspired from the afro-Brazilian culture, their Gods, and belief systems. This collection is made to feel like home, to welcome you. The minimalist jewelry celebrates the organic forms found in nature and borrows inspiration from talismans and amulets.
Gold bracelet for women - Tips to Wear your Gold Bracelets
One of the most elegant materials used to produce bracelets and other types of ornaments is gold. It has been popular for ages because of its alluring beauty and shine when it is formed into any ornament, such as bangles, earrings or bracelets. Gold is strong and durable. Many people have inherited beautiful family heirlooms that are in the original state they were acquired. Also, gold is valuable.
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