Tag: Clothes
Desislava Dimitrova-Petrova: 3D design is the future of fashion
Desislava Dimitrova-Petrova is born in Ruse, Bulgaria on the 15th of March 1981. Ever since she was little, she’s been keen on fashion. She has graduated the Nedka Ivan Lazarova vocational school of clothing in Ruse, specializing in modeling and construction of clothing and later on graduated the University of Ruse with industrial management...
Your Positive Impact on Fashion - 90 day No New Clothes Pledge
On average, Americans buy about 16 new clothes every 3 months. This phenomenon leads to an increase in the number of clothes in landfills around the world, causing significant pollution.
Charlotte North Carolina Fashion: The Advantages Of A Clothing Boutique
Many consumers choose to shop at small fashion boutiques in North Carolina instead of some of their massive benign counterparts. The smaller businesses are cropping up worldwide each day, with owners pleased with the audience's response.
How to Select the Right Clothes for Your Body Shape
The first step to deciding what clothes sit well on your body is figuring out whether you’re a rhomboid, inverted triangle, triangle or rectangle. There are plenty of differing physiques, and while you’re allowed to wear whatever you please, there are certain patterns, cuts, and fits that are better suited to certain body shapes.
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