Men's outerwear designers by country
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Companies in Menswear/Men's outerwear designers in Netherlands: 4
Francisco van Benthum
Francisco van Benthum is the leading force behind the luxury men's fashion label FRANCISCO VAN BENTHUM; internationally recognised and appreciated for bringing a unique product to the market.
Country: Netherlands
Bas Kosters
Over the years, the focus of my business has crystallized to working on my fashion collections and fashion related projects.
Country: Netherlands
Jan Boelo Drenth
JANBOELO is eager to create an exclusive look. The clothes are made for independent people, people with a certain lifestyle and character of their own.
Country: Netherlands
Jonathan Christopher
Jonathan Christopher (Hofwegen) Celestial Risher is a menswear designer who is graduated from the Willem de Kooning Academy in 2009. Within his studies he did a seven month internship with Dutch menswear designer Francisco van Benthum.
Country: Netherlands
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