About the Author


Nina Scharwenka

Nina Scharwenka is Partner in Simon-Kucher & Partners' Consumer Goods & Retail Competence Center. Nina focuses on non-food consumer goods industries, especially the fashion and apparel industry.

Articles from Nina Scharwenka

How to sustain profitable growth in the fashion industry

How to sustain profitable growth in the fashion industry

Many well-known fashion companies such as the Dutch McGregor Group, the stock-listed fashion company Steilmann, the online outlet Dress-for-Less and the menswear specialist Pohland filed for insolvency this year, while other well-established companies such as Gerry Weber, Tom Tailor and Hugo Boss admitted they are struggling.

Adjusting prices in the fashion industry

Adjusting prices in the fashion industry

This year, to maintain profitability and a competitive positioning, many vendors will be forced to make extensive adjustments to their pricing and product range strategies. Numerous opinion leaders have already shared a similar view in various media.