How to Develop Your Fashion Brand on a Tight Budget

Any type of startup business can be expensive to get off the ground. Yet there are tons of people out there who were able to build something masterful and amazing with next to nothing to get started. Understanding the tricks of the industry is the best way to learn how you can get started even when you don’t have a lot of money to get things going.


If you’re considering developing a fashion brand, check out these helpful insights to get started on a tight budget.

1. Understand and Use Free Resources

First things first, you need to take advantage of the free tools and resources that are available to you. There are so many wonderful tools out there. The hardest part is finding them. You can use a wide variety of tools and you will find that there are tons of options with free or even free-trial services at your disposal.

Instead of focusing on your tight budget, try to figure out where you can cut corners by using free services. You can find resources like these free fashion video templates to helpful website and marketing tools as well.

Before you spend, take the time to research as this could significantly save your budget!

2. Start with Just One or Two Products

One of the biggest downfalls of fashion design is that people think they need an entire line to start production. That’s simply not the case. It is much better to just start small and create one or two signature designs or products to market. This way you don’t have to spend an excess of money creating multiple products and you can start selling much faster too.

You can always scale up and expand as you get started and build an income stream from your fashion brand. Think carefully about the product you want to start with as this will be your core item and likely will be what people know your brand for over time. Choosing just one product also helps to reduce feeling overwhelmed just getting started.

3. Focus Money on Customer Experience

Your initial intentions should be to get customers involved and satisfied. If they are happy with their service, they will come back when you have more products to provide them. So turn your spending to creating a positive customer experience. There are some great ways to achieve this without breaking the bank.

It could be something like a printed thank you postcard that goes in every order, custom mailers, or maybe even offering unique choices or selections within your website. Customers just want to know they are valued so do what you can to make them feel like your shining star. After all, it’s those customers that will keep you in business.

4. Choose a Quality Clothing Manufacturer

One place a lot of people cut corners is using the cheapest manufacturer. This is one place you are going to want to be willing to spend for quality. A quality manufacturer could make or break your business. Yes, you do need to be mindful of your budget and you might not be able to get the highest quality option. However, you should still be able to make a good choice for what you can spend.

You want your products and designs to be quality products when they reach your customers. This means ensuring you choose a great partner for manufacturing purposes.

5. Keep Processes Simple

You can simplify processes and workflows when you discover the right tools to help you do so. Do your best to keep all of your processes simple and establish organization concepts for your fashion brand from the beginning.

Develop a process for handling orders as they come, make sure you are prepared for the possibility of returns, and plan the steps from start to finish. How will you package, how will you ship, and what can you do internally to keep it smooth and simple? You might want to try dropshipping as that could be advantageous for your budget.

You can figure out the details, but find ways to keep it simple and organized.

6. Plan and Persevere

Finally, you will need to plan and push forward even when it is hard. There may be times that you feel your fashion brand just isn’t going to make it. The truth is that some don’t make it. Getting started is going to be one of the biggest challenges you face. In those challenges, if you can plan and push through the hard times that is when you will finally see your hard work paying off. Don’t give up!

Photo: The showroom of the brand Marimekko, Finland

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Tags:fashion business, fashion brand

About the Author

Stella Cooter

Journalist, traveller and mother, Stella writes about fashion and style, luxury and adventure.

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