Taking your Fashion Business to the Next Level

The fashion industry can be incredibly competitive. People can only wear so many clothes on a given day, which places a natural limit on demand. Supply, by contrast, is abundant – and for smaller businesses, this can make it difficult to compete with the larger retailers, and to grow and develop in general. This applies to both the online world and brick-and-mortar locations.

If you’re looking to elevate your business, then there are a few strategies you might consider. With their help, you’ll be able to set your business apart from the competition!

fashion business advice

Creating a sub-brand

One of the problems with developing a reputation is that your would-be customers might associate you with a certain kind of product or service. The solution? To sell products under another brand. This isn’t a strategy unique to fashion: when car manufacturer Citroen (owned by Stellantis) sought to break into the luxury car market, it launched the ‘DS’ brand.

Launching a sub-brand is an art. You’ll want to make it so that your existing brand isn’t diluted, and that your existing customers aren’t drawn away. This is a matter of making the new products sufficiently different from the old ones.

Virtual Try-on and Personalisation

One innovation in the world of fashion is the ‘virtual try-on’. This method seeks to tackle a longstanding drawback of buying clothes online: the customer doesn’t get the chance to try those clothes on.

By having a customer create a virtual avatar, or uploading a picture of themselves, this problem can be tackled. You might also use artificial intelligence to put together a wardrobe that suits a given person’s body type and personality.

While these ideas might seem far-fetched at present, they’re likely to become mainstream over the next decade, with younger customers especially keen to take advantage.

However, they do necessitate the collection of sensitive user data. As such, if you’re thinking of getting ahead of this particular trend, you’ll want to get the appropriate legal expertise onside.

Creating a Blog

Blogging is a proven way to establish your brand as authoritative. This means that your customers will trust that you know what you’re talking about. Give specific advice about topics that your customers are interested in, including videos and Q&A sessions.

If customers are coming to your site to enjoy your blog, then the SEO benefits can be considerable. Search engines will recognise your site as interesting to a certain kind of customer, and point those customers toward you in the future.

Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, is a rapidly evolving set of practices. To make your site attractive to search engines, it’s important to make the content high-quality, and to link to sites of a similar quality. You might even charge other sites for links – but be sure that you’re not diluting your appeal by doing so.

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Tags:Fashion business, business strategies, business development, management strategies,

About the Author

Silvia Kabaivanova

As the founder of Be Global Fashion Network and several other fashion websites, Silvia has been working for more than 20 years covering fashion industry trends and news. With a passion for the fashion business, she focuses on sustainable fashion and innovations, custom fashion and print on demand services. Silvia is a Chairman of Bulgarian Fashion Association. You can reach her at silvia@bgfashion.net

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