5 Types of Fashion Photography

In the modern era, one of the most popular and sought-after trends in photography is the genre of fashion photography. This genre appeared at the break of the 19th and 20th centuries with the sole purpose of presenting and selling fashionable products, and later became an integral part of the industry and a special art direction. Today, not a single glossy magazine and brand can do without appropriate pictures. Let's find out what types of modern fashion photography exist today.

Fashion photography

This is the most commonly used format for photographing clothing. The resulting vivid memorable photos can be used not only in the catalog, but also for promoting groups in social networks, advertising in the media. The format, type of shooting should be chosen taking into account the available budget, wishes for the final result. The price of a photoshoot will depend on the following factors:
- number of articles;
- the number of angles;
- fees of participants: photographer, fashion stylist, models, make-up artist, assistants;
- the cost of renting equipment;
- the cost of renting a location and / or transport.

The last point is especially important, because in fashion photography you can increasingly see transport, namely cars, as a “location”. So, for example, many brands come to Dubai with its incomparable locations to shoot new collections and here they would need to take cars for rent in Dubai monthly. Rental service has become available to everyone, whether you choose a modest and practical car, a luxury car or a supercar. Moreover, rental prices are quite affordable, so anyone can get the best possible driving experience.

Lookbooks are collections of ready-made images that are compiled by the stylists of a particular brand. The customer's team creates an interesting selection of items from the latest collection and offers it to customers. That is, not things are presented, but ready-made looks. Expenses made in the preparation of a lookbook always pay off. The buyer receives specific tips on choosing a wardrobe, combining different things. Ready-made ideas look much more interesting than the presentation of collections in the format of a regular catalog.

The lookbook can have a design at the discretion of the customer, present a complete assortment or a separate group. The main thing is that the lookbook should sell. It is used to promote clothing, shoes, accessories. Type of presentation - online and printed. In practice, lookbooks are a cross between an advertising campaign and a regular catalog. To visualize looks for buyers, it is advisable to invite professional models. They will not only show the clothes, but also create the atmosphere of the shooting.

Editorial is story fashion shooting, interesting stories in frames that are published in online fashion publications, print versions of glossy magazines. To create an editorial, a team of creative specialists is involved - stylists, make-up artists, photographers, models. More photos are placed in web versions of publications, only the best ones are selected for printed ones. Materials will be published on the condition that they are created in accordance with the requirements of a particular journal. Printed glossy publications can create their own editorials or accept ready-made ones for placement.

This is a well-known professional fashion photography in the style of covers from fashionable glossy magazines, as well as frames from fashion week. In the photographs, the models are often dressed in intricate haute couture outfits and take on hyperbolic poses, and every element of the frame is perfectly thought out - from props to hair. All this creates an impeccable image, and also allows you to accurately convey the desired atmosphere and the main idea of the author.

Fashion photography

Street fashion
Street fashion is often contrasted with haute couture. A kind of branch of the direction is alternative fashion: grunge style. Street fashion includes things that people wear in everyday life: jeans, T-shirts, sweatshirts, as well as comfortable dresses. Street fashion photographs show the style of the streets, i.e. ordinary people. It is important to be ethical and ask permission to film. In professional street fashion photography, not only clothing plays a special role, but also the expression of a person’s face, lighting, confidence in the pose and integrity of the image.

Fashion photos are used for advertising and image purposes. Such photos should:
- demonstrate - what is in the assortment is fashionable this season;
- sell - the main task of the catalog;
- find and interest buyers - with the help of ready-made ones, as in a lookbook;
- advertise, attract customers - this is the task of campaigns;
- to implement interesting projects - editorial stories.

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About the Author

Stella Cooter

Journalist, traveller and mother, Stella writes about fashion and style, luxury and adventure.

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