Vape as a stylish accessory

Vaping - the smoking of electronic cigarettes, has recently been gaining wildly popular. Even whole communities are created, which include heavy smokers. Here they exchange experience with the use of a variety of evaporators with different compositions and find like-minded people. Hookah shops, such as, now also sell electronic counterparts, keeping up with the times.

An electronic cigarette is a battery-powered device. A liquid solution of nicotine, evaporating, brings the smoker a sensation similar to smoking an ordinary cigarette. The harm and benefits of electronic cigarettes are a constant subject of debate and discussion, both among smokers and among scientists.


A vapingdaily e-cigarette operates according to a rather simple principle - the draft illuminates the tip and an aromatic vapour cloud forms at the outlet. The mechanism consists of a heating element, a replaceable battery, as well as a removable cartridge with a special fluid that replaces tobacco.

The electronic cigarette was initially created as an alternative to classic cigarettes since the liquids contain almost no nicotine, and a pleasant smell allows the smoker to enjoy the smoking process. Now it has become an indispensable fashion accessory for modern youth.
Despite the facts of adverse effects on health, experts agree: to study the impact of electronic cigarettes on health, it will take many years - 10, 15 or even 20 years. But they are becoming popular right now, vaping has grown from a niche hobby for a bunch of geeks and has begun to spread around the world. At the beginning of the last century, Hollywood actors made fame for cigarettes, in the twenty-first vaping culture the Internet forms. Last year, Internet activist Aaron David Ross (also known as Gatekeeper musician) held a whole art symposium on vaping - the program also included a lecture on the history of electronic cigarette, a consultation with a doctor, and a speech by art critic on how the aesthetics of vape shops are reminiscent of the aesthetics of the Apple Store.
Vape has many undeniable advantages over conventional cigarettes. An electronic cigarette can be smoked in public places without causing any inconvenience to others. E-smoking, instead of an unpleasant odour, emits water vapour that disappears within seconds. Several world-famous associations have recognized vape as a healthy alternative to traditional cigarettes.

Vape brings significantly less health damage. Conventional cigarettes, along with tobacco and resins, contain numerous chemicals, including carcinogens. An electronic cigarette contains only nicotine and specific nutritional supplements, so health damage is minimized. A global association that protects the interests of consumers of alternative smoking methods recently conducted a study that showed that smoking vape has minimal risk to the human body. The main chemicals that are found in e-cigarette refill fluids are glycerin and propylene glycol. Their content is much lower than the dangerous mark. Also, as a result of smoking vape, teeth and skin do not turn yellow.

Also, the vape does not need to be lit with a lighter or matches, after them, there is no ash or cigarette, but no ashtray is required for it. After smoking, there is no unpleasant odour in the mouth. In the process of smoking, a real flame is not emitted, there is no burning process, so it cannot cause a fire, burn to clothe or cause a burn. Also, the absence of tobacco leads to the fact that tar does not emit tar and other harmful components. Also, there is no acrid smoke. After smoking, you can safely hide an e-cig in your bag or pocket.

Soar everyone! Students, office managers, politicians, businesspeople. Soar everywhere: at home, on the street, on the beach, you are on the bus, on the plane. Speaking of the latter, most likely, they will soon be banned from hovering in aeroplanes and trains, as the fire system does not distinguish steam from smoke and always fires.

Celebrities are people too. And like most modern people are also concerned about their health. The percentage of smokers among the "stars" is considerable. And a lousy habit affects the appearance primarily, and who, if not the world’s celebrity knows how much an ideal appearance means. Therefore, it is not surprising that the ranks of vapers are replenished with the stars of Hollywood, television, and the music industry. Which of the celebrities prefers electronic cigarettes, look and read further.

The first person to be mentioned as an avid vaping lover is, of course, world-class actor Leo DiCaprio. Where only Leonardo was not captured with an e-cigarette: both on vacation, and at work, and giving an interview, and, attention, at the US Screen Actors Guild Award ceremony. However, after this, the Film Academy officially banned the smoking of e-cigarettes at subsequent Oscars. But, thank you, Leo, for e-cig vaporizer!

Johnny Depp after shooting the film "Tourist" has repeatedly been seen with an electronic device. It is not yet known whether the actor joined the ranks of the vapers for a long time, but it is in this film that Depp's character demonstrates how to smoke an e-cigarette.
But there are a lot of photos and videos with the “floating” Tom Hardy. The actor is a long-standing vaper and, with his example, confirms the popularity and effectiveness of vape devices.

Among the vapers-celebrities, representatives of the fair sex were also noticed. Actresses Katherine Heigl, Michelle Rodriguez, Katherine Zeta-Jones, Lindsay Lohan, singer Katy Perry, model Kate Moss, Cara Delevingne often appear in public with an e-cigarette in their hands.
This list is far from complete. Many former smokers today switched to e vapour and, as you can see, stars are no exception. Vaping is becoming more popular day after day, which is good news. In addition, it can be carried with you always and everywhere. As a result, in a short period, vaping soaring turned into a kind of subculture.

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About the Author

Boyana Ivanova

Boyana is following men`s trade fairs and exhibitions. She is also covering fashion industry news, best dressed section, lifestyle and trends.

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